2014년 5월 24일 토요일

South Korean peace activist Oh Jae Shik

South Korean peace activist Oh Jae Shik 

Dr Oh Jae Shik, an ecumenical peace activist 
from South Korea was remembered 
by the World Council of Churches (WCC) 
general secretary as “friend of the weak and marginalized”. 

A former WCC staff member, 
Oh worked as director of the Commission 
of the Churches' Participation in Development 
from 1988 to 1993. He was a member of 
several peace and justice movements in Asia, 
and was known as a human rights activist 
committed to inter-Korean reconciliation and humanitarian aid. 

In his condolence message, 
the WCC general secretary Rev.Dr Olav Fykse Tveit acknowledged Oh’s work for justice in countries
faced with challenges of poverty. 

“His commitment and love for the people 
he served during his years at the Christian
 Conference of Asia (CCA), the WCC and 
the numerous organizations he sponsored 
in Korea are a source of inspiration for 
those who seek to carry on the work 
of loving one’s neighbor with tenderness 
and walking humbly with the Lord,”said Tveit. 

Oh served at the Social Education Institute 
of the Korea Christian Academy in Seoul,
 World Vision, Korea Student Christian Federation 
and Urban Rural Mission program of the CCA.
He also worked with the Young Men's
 Christian Association and the National 
Council of Churches in Korea.  

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