2014년 5월 4일 일요일

Peace and Love Festival

Peace and Love Festival

The Peace and Love Festival started in 1999
as a manifestation against violence and racism

—In order to raise important issues, 
by questioning the world we live in and
 to raise awareness among people. 
The festival seeks to spread the message 
of diversity, solidarity and understanding.
Each year has its own theme and 
last year’s focus was on ‘Revolution’. 

 As always, the Peace and Love Festival was 

more than 

music and there were a lot of 


spoken word, street performances,etc. 

Last year the Peace and Love Festival increased

 in size and lasted 

for three full festival days,

 plus three theme days.

Sweden’s elite musicians along with
 international musicians performed on the stages. 
As a part of the Peace and Love Festival 
there was a stage 
with dance performances 

by professional dancers

—with choreographies 

that enable the audience t

o feel the great power 

of their dance expressions. 
To round out the event there were poetry, 
art, film,

 photo and information from various organizations 

who, like us, wanted to make a difference in this world.

The Peace and Love Festival helded at 

Borlange,Dalarna in Sweden

June 25~29,2013.

'Though the mountains be shaken 
and the hills be removed
yet my unfailing love for you will
not be shaken nor my covenant of peace 
be removed.'says the Lord,

who has compassion on you.(Isa 54:10)

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