2014년 5월 1일 목요일

Mr. Gandhi

Mr. Gandhi

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948)

Gandhi battled for national liberation
he expressed a lot of patriotism

Indian civilization. He redefined the terms

and 'patriotism' to fit his vision. 

Nationalism, for instance,
 meant many different things. 

Gandhi said, "Every Indian whether he owns 

up to it or not, 

has national aspirations--

but there are as many opinions as there are

 Indian Nationalists as to the exact meaning 

of that aspiration.Gandhi's nationalism stood to disband 

the Congress Party upon independence, 

Its task is done. The next task is to move into villages

 and revitalize life there to build 

a new socio-economic structure from the bottom 

upwards.He also understood patriotism differently

 than his contemporaries,by patriotism, I mean 

the welfare of the whole people.

  To Gandhi, ideas were worth having.
 He defended his vision of Anarchy in India 
on this point, It may be taunted with the retort 
that this is all Utopian and, therefore, not worth 
a single thought... Let India live for the true picture,
 though never realizable in its completeness. 
We must have a proper picture of what we want,
 before we can have something approaching it.

  By trying to understand Gandhi's worldview, 
certain questions jump out with contemporary relevance. 
First off, what is our culturally appropriate 
"utopian" picture of America or of the communities
 in which we live?
 Secondly, what practical steps can we make
 towards swaraj amidst the current global empire?
 Finally, if Gandhi is right that all power resides 
in individuals, and that power is derived from 
an "indomitable will", then how do we reclaim
 the latent power within us, 
both individually and collectively?
                                                                  (PeacePower, Josh Fattal)

The only answer for the World Peace is
in God we trust.The only solution for it origins
from its Creator himself.
Without knowing Him and His will,there is no way
for men to have a World Peace.

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