2014년 5월 29일 목요일

IPYG- International Peace Youth Group

IPYG- International Peace Youth Group

What International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) Does? 
 IPYG aims to unite the youth of every nation, 
and pave the way to a peaceful future for our world.
 IPYG strives to do this through fostering
 a new culture of world peace, a heavenly culture 
that will respect and embrace the beautiful 
diversity of humanity and restore faith in mankind.

 The purpose of IPYG is to create positive and
 lasting change internationally through uniting 
major youth associations around the world.
IPYG supports the development of their communities and encourage them to set the examples in 
educating and motivating their nation's active 
pursuit of peace. As a global community 
we cannot deny that our socities and futures 
lie in the hands of the youth. It is through them
 that humanity will be carried forward and shaped

 IPYG accipts and advocates that it is the youth 
of today that share the responsibility and 
desire to be united. It is the young people 
in today's global village that strive to 
understand and embrace different cultures. 
It is this new generation's unwavering 
determination that our world can be renewed. 
Youth bare witness to this imperfect world 
and still have the heart to want to change it
 this is the true power that a united youth have.

IPYG Seoul East is located in east Seoul, 
S.Korea where it is actively communicating 
with cultural systems.We aim to gather Youths
 wish of peace through cultural events.
 Through Cultural events, we hope to deliver 
our happiness and love of peace to all in the world.
 IPYG Seoul East is now having events
of Nan-ta performance, Classical Dancing, 
Photos, A cappella, Taekwondo performance and etc. 

For more information,copy and visit us~! 


2014년 5월 27일 화요일

1st anniversary of the International Peace Walk for World Peace and Restoration

1st anniversary 
of the International Peace Walk 
for World Peace and Restoration

Last year 27,000 Youth called for peace 
in International Peace Walk

SEOUL, South Korea –
 In one of the largest international demonstrations,
 over 100 youth organizations from over 
50 different nations, including youth leaders 
from United States, Portugal, Greece, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Belarus and Columbia 
and 27,000 local Korean citizens marched
 for peace in the International Youth Walk
 for World Peace and Restoration.

Hosted by the International Peace 
Youth Group for World Peace and Restoration, 
the 1.5km course was divided into seven sections, 
ending at the Seoul Olympic Park, representing the world’s seven continents and the Republic of Korea 
– the place where world peace is being fulfilled.

During the event, a declaration of peace 
was read by Mr. Man Hee Lee, the Chairman 
of the Heavenly Culture, World Peace and the Restoration of Light. His address comprised 
a request to nations to join in the signing 
of an international agreement to end all wars,
 an exhortation for the youth of the world 
to unite in making a stand for peace, 
and for all people to become more aware 
of the daily requirements of peace. 
He also appealed to journalists and members 
of the media to broadcast the event in an effort
 to encourage all members of society 
to stand together for peace.

“I’m proud to marching in this peace walk 
on behalf of the sacrifice they made 
for our country, and ultimately this world” 
said Shannon Turk, from the United States 
who is visiting S. Korea. Similarly, Dol Anastasiya 
from Belarus who is the representative of 
Youth Peace Group of Belarus said, 
“I wish the people of the world would love 
and be aware of peace like we do. 
The people of the world must realize that 
peace is needed not only in the Korean peninsula 
but also in Belarus and the whole world”, 
said Atif Javaid from the United Kingdom said, 
“it is a wake-up call for world leaders,
the public does not want war but wants
 to become one family and we are taking action
 to make it come true”.

This year on 25 may,1st anniversary of 
the International Peace Walk for World Peace
and Restoration was held at the peace plaza
of Olympic Park in Seoul,S.Korea.
At the same time it was also held 
at the UN memorial Park and the Park 
for Peace in Pusan successfully.

2014년 5월 24일 토요일

South Korean peace activist Oh Jae Shik

South Korean peace activist Oh Jae Shik 

Dr Oh Jae Shik, an ecumenical peace activist 
from South Korea was remembered 
by the World Council of Churches (WCC) 
general secretary as “friend of the weak and marginalized”. 

A former WCC staff member, 
Oh worked as director of the Commission 
of the Churches' Participation in Development 
from 1988 to 1993. He was a member of 
several peace and justice movements in Asia, 
and was known as a human rights activist 
committed to inter-Korean reconciliation and humanitarian aid. 

In his condolence message, 
the WCC general secretary Rev.Dr Olav Fykse Tveit acknowledged Oh’s work for justice in countries
faced with challenges of poverty. 

“His commitment and love for the people 
he served during his years at the Christian
 Conference of Asia (CCA), the WCC and 
the numerous organizations he sponsored 
in Korea are a source of inspiration for 
those who seek to carry on the work 
of loving one’s neighbor with tenderness 
and walking humbly with the Lord,”said Tveit. 

Oh served at the Social Education Institute 
of the Korea Christian Academy in Seoul,
 World Vision, Korea Student Christian Federation 
and Urban Rural Mission program of the CCA.
He also worked with the Young Men's
 Christian Association and the National 
Council of Churches in Korea.  

2014년 5월 19일 월요일



let us enter
in a new world
a world
of no boundaries
a world
of no walls
a world 
of no terror
a world
of no poverty
a world
of no weapons

one world
of one family
no countries
no politicians
no wars

just imagine
a paradise
let us awake
your self
for a
new world
of oneness

today you imagine
tomorrow you do
one by one
global awakening happens
one world
one family
happens one day 

                                                    by Ramesh Kavdia

How beautiful it would be~!
one by one,step by step.
Live in love as one.
God wants so.
we do also.
U too.
I do.

2014년 5월 17일 토요일

Walk Hand in Hand

Walk Hand in Hand

Walk hand in hand with me 
through all eternity
Have faith, believe in me,
 give me your hand
Love is a symphony 
of perfect harmony
When lovers such as 
we walk hand in hand

Be not afraid, 
for I am with you all the while
So lift your head up high
and look toward the sky

Walk hand in hand with me, 
this is our destiny
No greater love could be, 
walk hand in hand
Walk with me

Be not afraid, 
for I am with you all the while
So lift your head up high 
and look up to the sky

Walk hand in hand with me,
 this is our destiny
No greater love could be, 
walk hand in hand
Walk with me
                                       Andy Williams Lyrics

We feel the beating of our hearts together
This our time to rise above
We know the chance is here 
to live forever For all time

Hand in hand we stand
All across the land
We can make this world 
a better place in which to live
Hand in hand we can
Start to undrestand
Breaking down the walls 
that come between us for all time

Everytime we give it all
We feel the flame eternally inside us
Lift our hands up to the sky
The morning calm helps us
to live in harmony
For all time

2014년 5월 15일 목요일

Nelson Mandela

 Nelson Mandela

“Death is something inevitable. 
When a man has done what he considers 
to be his duty to his people and his country,
 he can rest in peace,”

Although Mandela served only one term 
as South Africa's president (1994-1999),
 his lifelong struggle to right 
the ills of racism, poverty, and injustice
 transformed him into an international hero 
with an almost god-like quality.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was the son of 
one of South Africa's leading dignitaries, 
Chief Henry Mandela of the Tembu Tribe, 
He passed away on 5 December 2013 
of a lung infection at his home 
in Johannesburg. He was 95 years old.

A towering figure in 20th century history, 
Nobel Laureate Nelson Mandela showed 
how wisdom and patience can triumph 
over bigotry and brute force. 
Truly the Father of a Nation.

Courage is not the absence of fear 
— it s inspiring others to move beyond it.

After climbing a great hill, one only finds
 that there are many more hills to climb.

2014년 5월 12일 월요일

One Mind, One heart

   One Mind, One heart

The world has forgotten
What we should be working for
The common good, the collective

No kill or be killed, survival of the fittest
Team work needs to triumph
Love your neighbor, hug your brother
Shake hands with another color

No guilt, no shame
When we all work for the same
One world, one quest
All hearts beating as one

No republican or democrat
Only Homo sapien, human
Only skin, bones, and brain
All individuals, yet the same.

Everyone cries, the pain too much
Laughter breaks the silence
Clumsy feet, tumbling down
A hand outstretched for assistance

The wealthy hate the uneducated
They look down their noses
When they should be teaching
Saving lives, not pitying

Feed the horde, cover naked flesh
Share what is in abundance
Even just a healthy smile
Comfort your fellows, your blood family

Show love for everybody
An eye for an eye
Leaves a room full of blind men
Forgive but do not forget

There are no lepers
There is no I
There is only us, we
One mind, one heart

                       (by  Mythandra Fenner) 

Ban Ki-moon in South Sudan Urging Leaders to Dialogue for Peace

Ban Ki-moon in South Sudan Urging Leaders to Dialogue for Peace 

The United Nations Secretary-General is
 in South Sudan to urge the country's leaders 
to find peace through dialogue.
Africa's newest nation has been in crisis 
since December 2013 following a power struggle
 between the president and his former deputy.
Ban Ki-moon told journalists he was there 
"with a sad and heavy heart", after visiting displaced
 persons sheltering in the UN Mission's compound.
Mr Ban also met with the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir.

He said he was encouraged by Mr Kiir's willingness
 to dialogue with his opponent and 
former Vice-President, Riek Machar.

” I think it is absolutely necessary at this time, 
since this crisis has begun from political issues, 
that President Salva Kiir and Dr. Machar sit down 
together to address this issue through dialogue, 
in a peaceful way. That is what I am strongly supporting. “

The Secretary-General also received a call from Dr Machar.
Over the phone, Ban Ki-moon stressed 
the two leaders' responsibility to sit down together
 and address the crisis.

Dr Machar and President Kiir are expected to be 
in Addis Ababa on 9 May for a meeting of 
the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

In the meantime, Mr Ban said the UN is committed
 to providing assistance to the people of South Sudan,
 and hopes that peace will prevail as soon as possible.
                                          (SOURCE: Daniel Dickinson, Unit Nations)

Ban Ki-Moon,the chief of UN,met with the Leaders
both the president of south Sudan,Salva Kiir
and his opponent former Vice-President,Riek Machar.
He strongly urged them to have a Peace Talk 
for the sake of Sudan Peace.
Fortunately both of them agreed to talk together
in a peaceful way.Mr.Ban played a great role 
for Sudan Peace which is strongly necessary
 to resolve present crisis.In this way If all mankind
made efforts,World Peace would come soon.