2014년 7월 11일 금요일

Anti-War Protests 1965

Anti-War Protests 1965

Hot Damn!

1965, 15 min., black/white, DVD

Hot Damn! is a short film with unique footage of the Bay Area peace movement at a time when the Vietnam War was escalating rapidly.

Segments include the Berkeley, California, troop train demonstrations; peace marches from Berkeley to Oakland, ending in massive confrontation with local police; the Oakland Army Induction Center protests, draft card burnings, and the sit-ins of 1964-65.

Topics: anti-war protests, war resistance, civil disobedience, draft resistance, sit-ins.


Wars and Conflicts are very foolish things for us to do because man is the lord of all creation. As the lord of all creation we shouldn't fight and kill each other.Fighting and killing aren't originated from God but Satan.

Therefore we, the lord of all creation, should restore our original True Selves through becoming Peace Messengers to bring Heavenly Peace on the earth as God is love and peace.Till then we shall overcome any kind of sufferings and distresses.

We'll surely make this world the land of heavenly peace.God'll be with us for ever and ever.Come and join us to make it come true as soon as possible.

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