2014년 5월 27일 화요일

1st anniversary of the International Peace Walk for World Peace and Restoration

1st anniversary 
of the International Peace Walk 
for World Peace and Restoration

Last year 27,000 Youth called for peace 
in International Peace Walk

SEOUL, South Korea –
 In one of the largest international demonstrations,
 over 100 youth organizations from over 
50 different nations, including youth leaders 
from United States, Portugal, Greece, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Belarus and Columbia 
and 27,000 local Korean citizens marched
 for peace in the International Youth Walk
 for World Peace and Restoration.

Hosted by the International Peace 
Youth Group for World Peace and Restoration, 
the 1.5km course was divided into seven sections, 
ending at the Seoul Olympic Park, representing the world’s seven continents and the Republic of Korea 
– the place where world peace is being fulfilled.

During the event, a declaration of peace 
was read by Mr. Man Hee Lee, the Chairman 
of the Heavenly Culture, World Peace and the Restoration of Light. His address comprised 
a request to nations to join in the signing 
of an international agreement to end all wars,
 an exhortation for the youth of the world 
to unite in making a stand for peace, 
and for all people to become more aware 
of the daily requirements of peace. 
He also appealed to journalists and members 
of the media to broadcast the event in an effort
 to encourage all members of society 
to stand together for peace.

“I’m proud to marching in this peace walk 
on behalf of the sacrifice they made 
for our country, and ultimately this world” 
said Shannon Turk, from the United States 
who is visiting S. Korea. Similarly, Dol Anastasiya 
from Belarus who is the representative of 
Youth Peace Group of Belarus said, 
“I wish the people of the world would love 
and be aware of peace like we do. 
The people of the world must realize that 
peace is needed not only in the Korean peninsula 
but also in Belarus and the whole world”, 
said Atif Javaid from the United Kingdom said, 
“it is a wake-up call for world leaders,
the public does not want war but wants
 to become one family and we are taking action
 to make it come true”.

This year on 25 may,1st anniversary of 
the International Peace Walk for World Peace
and Restoration was held at the peace plaza
of Olympic Park in Seoul,S.Korea.
At the same time it was also held 
at the UN memorial Park and the Park 
for Peace in Pusan successfully.

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